The following is Dr. Schuster's 2013-2015 Employment Contract. She was originally hired on a 3 year contract (July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2013). The Board of Education extended her contract for 2 years on November 12, 2012.
Schuster's Contract (click to open)
Dr. Schuster should be terminated immediately. Her lack of explicit plans to implement the multitude of sweeping changes she and Stutz forced down teachers' throats these last few years is irresponsible. We teachers can not speak up for fear that we will lose our jobs, so all we can do is sit on the sidelines and watch the carnage. Her constant denial of failure, and subsequent manipulation of data in order to minimize poor student growth is evidence of her low standards for our children. She chooses to bury her head in the sand rather than face, and correct problems. When it comes to her salary, however, she maintains HIGH standards, and explicit details! She is completely self serving and lacks the ability to implement and inspire excellence for our district.
Scuster has a house in Arizona, a Missouri pension and a brand new Beemer. She has thirty vacation days, or more, arranged for the administration (including her) for four day work weeks during the summer, and, on top of everything else, loves to travel to important conferences. Her primary hiring test is, will you support me for whatever I do. Scuster is using us until she retires to her Arizona house and, when she leaves, she will leave a big mess.
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