Saturday, March 8, 2014

UPDATE: Administration Finally "Shines a Light" on Russell's Resignation

Looks like the administration finally realized that it should send all parents the announcement about Kevin Russell's resignation, and try and explain away the lack of transparency. At 12:25 a.m. this morning, the D181 Communications Director sent parents the resignation announcement, tacked on as  "in other news" on the email announcing that the Moon report was available on Board Docs.  The email is copied below.

That's right folks, either the Director of Communications intentionally stayed up until after midnight to email all parents, or simply set the "send" function to alert parents in the dead of night. Either way, in our opinion this "stealth" announcement was a scramble on the administration's part to do what they should have done as soon as Dr. Russell notified D181 staff about his resignation. Apparently, this direct email announcement was only intended "for those who may have missed the posting" on the D181 website.  Really? Just how many people does the administration actually believe regularly surf the district website for news updates, rather than assume important news will be sent directly to them by email? Also, does the administration really think all parents are now going to subscribe to Twitter in order to keep up with D181 news announcements? Are we really paying our administrators to Tweet rather than send out timely, transparent, formal email announcements? What is this district coming to? Who is really "missing the beat?"

Text of Email: (note the key phrases we have highlighted in red)

"Good evening, District 181 Families,

We noted in this afternoon’s D181 E-Newsletter that the Follow-Up Report from Dr. Tonya Moon on her February 24 and 25 progress check would be posted on BoardDocs. This email is to notify you that BoardDocs is now open, and her report is available (under the Superintendent’s Report agenda item). We have additionally posted Dr. Moon’s report and the resources we provided to Dr. Moon and Dr. Friedman on our website: > Learning > Program Evaluation (Moon).

In other news, please join in congratulating District 181 Assistant Superintendent of Learning (CAI) Dr. Kevin Russell in being named Superintendent of Chicago Ridge School District 127 ½, effective July 1, 2014. For those who may have missed the posting in our website news, the Chicago Ridge School District Board approved his hiring on Tuesday of this week. To be sure you don’t miss a beat with our District news, follow us on Twitter @CCSD181.

Wishing you a great weekend!
Bridget McGuiggan, APR
Director of Communications
Community Consolidated School District 181


HMS Parent said...

How many districts even pay to have a "communications director?" Why is the board ok with such a top heavy central administration? What are we, the taxpayers really getting for our money? Tweeting? We all have better things to do with our time. Wonder how these administrators would have handled things pre- computers, pre- cell phone, pre- texts, pre- tweeting.......

Anonymous said...

Let's all tweet? Now that's a solution for the curriculum mess, facilities mess and administrative mess we find ourselves bogged done in. Thanks D181 Communication Director!

Anonymous said...

The administration and board should be embarrassed by the late night announcement and the suggestion that we all begin tweeting. Why wasn't this announcement included in the E-Newsletter? Oversight? For what we pay these administrators, after days of silence, it shouldn't take a "news" announcement buried on the district website, followed by a "stealth" email in the middle of the night and a suggestion that we all start "tweeting"/"twittering (or whatever our kids call this stuff) to distribute news to parents.

Anonymous said...

If I knew how to tweet, I would say that Dr. Moon just put another nail in the casket of District 181. Clarin and Nelson are the Pallbearers right behind Kurt Schneider.

The Funeral is on Monday. Are we really going to allow our Board of Education to bury this district?

In Mourning

Jill Quinones said...

If we should now be expecting our news in a Tweet, then why are they sending out the weekly email with some news? Why when they want my kids to get a good night sleep before ISAT do I get it in my school newsletter, an e-mail AND a recorded phone call?

The reason is that different people like to get their news in different ways and that is fine. The SAME news, however, should be included. Really, how hard is it to prepare what you want disseminated and then post it on the website, e-mail it, AND Tweet - the same information at the same time?

Anonymous said...

Good point, Jill. Probably because they don't want parents to have equal access to all of the information. They want to manipulate it's accessibility. Their biggest fear is that parents will unite and stand up against them.

Anonymous said...

We spent almost 60k on moon's "report". What a joke. The analysis given by parents during public comments was way more substantive - and free! But I guess you can't pay naysayers. Can someone please explain the com ed bill costs they are citing for a total of 4 or 5 Fridays! Can't they all just work in that one small section of elm? It makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

To the person who asked if they can just work out of a small part of Elm: don't forget that the administrators are the only people working over the summer; B&G has to clean all the schools, and the IT department has to inventory any new computers or other tech equipment, install it & update existing equipment. How would that work? Everyone work 5 days a week, administrators work 5 days and everyone else 4? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

There are many other ways to save $ other than not working on those 4, 5 days in the summer. How about not paying Dr. Friedman (Dr. Moons's replacement) for future consults. Dr. Moon's analysis was weak, and not specific. Please don't waste any more of the tax payers money. If they still think we need expert opinions, then please don't renew Dr. Schneider's contract and hire someone who has more experience!!

jay_wick said...

Re: The Moon update

I am still going through the report but what I've read so far is quite scathing -- Moon saw (no surprise) WAY TOO MANY teachers utilizing "worksheets" instead of having students engaged with material of appropriate rigor and a more varied range of instruction.

I know from experience that these things happens when teachers have not been given enough time to prepare engaging lessons, the classrooms have too students or too widely varied abilities / needs, and most of all when staff has not been encouraged to do the things that demand a deeper level of understanding.

I cannot blame the teachers for relying on junky worksheets. If they have not be given training in things like appropriate technology tools, don't have class periods that are long enough / class sizes small enough to get all the kids engaged in more hands-on and Socratic style methods the reality is that these shortcomings MUST BE SHOULDERED by decisions of the BOE and the Adminstration.

I'll be going through the rest of the Moon update and formulating some recemmendarions for the BOE to take-up at Monday's meeting.

I cannot emphasize how important it is that others do the same, especially when some members of the BOE are looking to white wash anything as "good news" when anyone that looks at the report with intelligence and honestly will clearly see just how far things really are from being done right...

Yvonne Mayer, D181 Parent and Former Board of Education Member said...

Well said Jay Wick!

Anonymous said...

We teachers have been given zero support or worthwhile professional development to more effectively differentiate to Dr. Moon's recommendations. Plus, the new reading and writing programs that the district have purchased are not ideal (to put it nicely.)

The Parents said...

Anonymous Teacher: We ask and encourage you to send your comment to the BOE. They need to hear from teachers directly. Thank you!

The Parents said...

Anonymous Teacher: Can you explain what what you think is wrong with the new reading and writing programs the district purchased? We agree with you, but would like for our readers to hear from a teacher who uses them and can explain his/her concerns with these materials. Last year, before the Learning for All plan was approved by the BOE, the task force trotted out for display the types of materials that teachers could use and proclaimed this would facilitate effective differentiation. So, if you have concerns, can you elaborate? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Teacher-Thank you for commenting-I truly wish there could be an honest discussion between administration,teachers, and BOE regarding curriculum and resources being used. I've been very engaged with the material used to help the kids improve their writing and reading skills (my kids struggle a bit,) and quite frankly the Standards-Based Writing Rubric isn't crafted for children. It makes my eyes glaze over. It's not designed for children. I've been scouring homeschooling blogs for other resources to use at home since the many of the products used in D181 aren't "reaching" my children. It's not your fault. It's the cummulation of poor decisions.

HMS Parent said...

To the D181 Teachers: If there was ever an opportunity to speak up and voice your concerns about the L4A plan, the curriculum and professional development, that time is now. Dr. Schuster is leaving. Dr. Russell is leaving. The board will be voting as early as Monday night on whether to renew the contracts of other central administrators who are running the Dept. of Learning. The board will be developing a profile of characteristics and skills the new superintendent should have. If teachers don't find a way now to come forward and express their opinions it may be too late to effect real change/improvements. Shouldn't the HCHTA representatives be the ones to voice the concerns of their members? Can't teachers come forward to the BOE and tell the 7 board members why they fear repercussion if they are honest with their concerns and ask the BOE to guarantee that no negative repercussions will result? Has the HCHTA met to discuss whether or not issues should be raised directly with the BOE?

Anonymous said...

If the new reading and writing program not good, then why do my child's teachers keep raving about it every time parents complain? I wish they would be more truthful so my child doesn't get blamed all the time for not doing well. A few months ago, I pointed out some problems with the reading fundamentals book, but 2 out of the 3 classroom teachers kept saying how fabulous it was. However, my sons frustration with the long, boring novel he was reading, and then, the confusing assignment was telling me otherwise! If the teachers had been honest with parents, we would have gladly complained to the board for them. We want them to have good books and materials. But when some teachers hide the problems, they are perpetuating the problems and making life for our kids, and themselves, more difficult.

I agree with Jay Wick that the blame lies with the poor professional development support for teachers. They keep throwing new books, iPads, and terms at teachers, but aren't giving the teaches adequate time and support. And of course, this support should not be given during the a school year! Both our kids and teachers are frustrated and stressed out at school. The SELAS advice in yesterday's newsletter to breathe at home was ridiculous. No amount of deep breathing will make my child's textbook any better, or make his teacher happy and comfortable with it! It is unacceptable to allow such easily resolved problems to contine. What administrators are doing to our children, they are also doing to our kids! Teachers and kids are hurting from Dr. Schuster's and Dr. Schneider's poor L4A plan. In turn, parents are getting upset at teachers because our children are struggling. Again, not all kids are struggling, but many of those who are not are not are bored out of their minds, or not learning as much as they could be.

As a previous poster said, so many teachers should NOT be on these curriculum or pilot committees. Their main and only job should be to help our kids in the classroom. Also, when some of these teachers get on special committees, it is obvious they start getting major chips on their shoulders! They start acting better than the other teachers and power struggles begin. Parents get upset, too, because their child ends up having subs all the time. If co-teachers not on the committee disagree with the committee teacher, feelings of cooperation and collegiality disappear. It is not healthy for schools to lack strong leadership and support for its teachers.

jay_wick said...

I am leaning toward addressing letters to the BOE members about the Moon update so I think I will hold off on making any more overly specific comments about that here.

That said I don't think the totality of everything that needs to deeply considered by the BOE regarding the direction of the district is exclusively the domain of Dr. Moon or frankly even the district administrative staff. The parents, community members and BOE needs to take responsibility for the direction of the district, There are valid concerns about such an approach getting over intrusive but given THE FACT that even the consultant hired by the district to provide an EVALUATION of the district's former approach to meeting the needs of all students CONTINUE to suffer from excessive use of ineffective instructional materials it is QUITE CLEAR that district staff IS NOT EQUIPPED to make choices that meet the needs of all learners.

It is not enough to "put the materials on display". The district needs to have a rational plan of support for the teachers, ideally as part of pilot program that builds competence and support with a subset of teachers who can then be "champions" for the rest of the staff. It is foolish to try to do these "all at once" implementations and is the educational equivalent of teaching people to swim by tossing them into the deep end of the pool...