This morning we received a comment with a suggested post from community member Yvonne Mayer. She informed us that she had been forced to file a Request for Review with the Attorney General's Public Access Counselor this morning, after D181 denied her a copy of the audio-tape of the August 21 Board Sub-Committee Meeting tasked with developing the SMART Goals. She provided us with a copy of the appeal.
We reviewed it and agree that it is in the community's best interest to realize the lack of transparency shown by the Administration and Board of Education in denying her request. Therefore, we agreed to post the Request for Review for everyone to read. Click to Open the Request for Review.
The Request for Review speaks for itself. What has happened to transparency in D181?
(Note: We also confirmed that D86 not only records -- by video, no less -- committee and Board meetings, but posts them for everyone in the community to access. Click to Open D86 Video Archive. That is what transparency is all about! It would serve D181 well if they would follow this example.)
What in the world does Dr. Schuster and this board have to hide from the public? How sad we appear to have a grand conspiracy to hide what goes on behind closed doors with the administration that ultimately affects the children of this district. The end of Schuster's contract and the next board election can't come soon enough.
Maybe she is trying out a new "experiment" - see how long she can get away with behaving like a petulant, fibbing child before she gets fired! Time to put HER in a padded room for a time out! What a naughty girl she appears to be!
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