Tuesday, April 7, 2015


  Need we say more?


A British Tar said...

According to the Facebook page "Smoke & Mirrors, Hinsdale D86 BOE" (and I quote verbatim):

"There have been early reports of low voter turnout. If you let a little rain keep you from voting for Planson, Carpenter and Hirsman you deserve crappy schools. Call others and make sure they get out there too. Feel free to run over a blue sign on your way to the polls :)"

It's a bit harsh in my opinion, and I don't agree that people who don't vote "deserve" bad schools. Why screw over their students, and all the students in general? Talk about cutting your nose to spite your face.

Off topic: this showed up in my Facebook feed earlier: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=946066898771032

Seems like Westmont High School was also designed with the open concept design as HMS. With classrooms with no full walls, it sounds interesting, but I'm sure educating is a hassle. If they decide to do floor to ceiling walls, it'll cost a boatload. It's not just the walls, but all the HVAC work, any appropriate cabling, etc. Let's just hope their board, administration, designers & implementors of any plans work better than D181's.

Anonymous said...

I am really tired of the calls for the skoda camp. It has been extremely annoying.

Anonymous said...

Big victories for d181 and d86 students and families! Hurray!

Anonymous said...

So happy with most of the D181 results! Czierwec is one of the most qualified candidates of the group, if not the most. What he stands for is what our students and our community deserves. I hope that he remains as active in our community as he has been all these years. There will be another election in just 2 short years and I hope to see his name on the ballot.

Burns, Giltner, and Gray will help round out this school board. They will hold our administrators accountable for the decisions they make. They will ensure that actions are transparent. They will help ensure that this district has a strategic plan, financial stability, and sound curriculum. I am finally hopeful. Thank you to each and every voter who voted today.