Anonymous said...
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Check out the School Exec Connect associates....
December 27, 2017 at 8:25 AM
Anonymous said...
I just looked at BoardDocs, under the agenda for this week's Academic Success Committee meeting. Where it says the Special Education Work Load Plan, on the first attachment, it says that 23 Illinois Administrative Code 226. 735 says that all districts are required to have a work load plan by the 2009-2010 school year. A little while later, it says "A Work Load Plan had not yet been developed for the District." WTH?!? It's almost a decade after we were required -by law- to have one that we just put one together? I have a knack of misinterpreting things, so please tell me that I'm misinterpreting this! If I'm correct, the district really needs to get rid of Sepiol (this kind of stuff IS her job, after all), get a new lawyer, and do a through check of what state & national law says we're required to do (and required NOT to do for that matter). I'm sure we're not doing things we are supposed to, and vice versa.
January 8, 2018 at 12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
No you’re right! Sepiol loves ripping others apart and talking about how everything is wrong. Yet, doesn’t she realize it’s her department that failed to put together a cohesive plan? All of her reports tear apart what the district does wrong. If you’re so against 181, then why do you work here?
January 8, 2018 at 9:26 PM
Anonymous said...
9:26: the wholesome, naive side me hopes that it's because while she finds faults in D181, she still loves it. The real world side of me knows that that' total & utter BS. It's probably the paycheck. While I, personally, like to stick around and try to fix problems that affect me & those I care about, but from the sounds of it, she should leave. I've never met the woman, nor have I looked at all of her reports so I have a very incomplete picture of her. If what people say on this blog is true, she should leave. And not just another "mutual agreement" either. The fact that she hasn't done what she's LEGALLY required to do should not just get her fired, but have her license revoked.
January 9, 2018 at 8:42 AM
Anonymous said...
OMFG, I just did a quick Google search of "Christina Sepiol." Not only does she have a JD and served as a lawyer for various school districts, she even wrote books ( about special ed & how to do things legally. If she's so smart about special ed & the law, how the heck did she not get a special ed plan put together earlier (that the district was legally mandated to have by 2010!)?
January 9, 2018 at 9:29 AM
Anonymous said...
Maybe her legal background was why she was hired? Being an experienced lawyer would mean she would know how to circumvent special education laws, how to threaten and scare special education parents, what laws the district could get away with breaking and how to write reports that manipulate the facts and laws. Lawyers can be very valuable.
January 11, 2018 at 11:14 AM